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A.M. Gorky Institute
of World Literature
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

IWL RAS Publishing

A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature
of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Povarskaya 25A, bld. 1, 121069 Moscow, Russia



Types of publications

  • Classification – name: Literary studies
  • Author: Vera G. Panteleeva
  • Pages: 337–377
  • Publisher: A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IWL RAS Publ.)
  • Rights – description: Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 (СС BY-ND)
  • Rights – URL: Visit Website
  • Language of the publication: Russian
  • Type of document: Research Article
  • Collection: Literature of the Peoples of the Russian Federation and CIS: Spiritual Bases and Challenges of the Time
  • DOI:
  • EDN:

  • Year of publication: 2023
  • Place of publication: Moscow
  • PDF

  • Panteleeva, V.G. “Udmurt Poetry of the 20th Century: Between Tradition and Modernism.” Literatury narodov Rossiiskoi Federatsii i SNG: dukhovnye osnovy i vyzovy vremeni [Literature of the Peoples of the Russian Federation and CIS: Spiritual Bases and Challenges of the Time]. Editor-in-Chief Kazbek K. Sultanov. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2023, pp. 337–377. (In Russian) 1 Electronic Optical Disc. Text: Electronic.

Information about the author:

Vera G. Panteleeva, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, А.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Tverskoy boulevard, 25, 123104 Moscow, Russia.


Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The article examines the discourse of the Udmurt poetry of the 20th century in order to identify the change in ideological and aesthetic, worldview and genre and style paradigms in the context of the observed dynamics of artistic consciousness. The search, formation, development and transformation of national artistic identity is analyzed through the prism of the work of individual poets of the 1920s — 2020s. (K. Gerd, F. Vasiliev, M. Fedotov, E. Batuev, S. Matveev and others), representatively reflecting their dialogue with the ethno-cultural tradition and the desire to overcome established patterns and normative poetics on the way of moving towards mastering a different creative experience: individual and contextual-typological. From the point of view of literary genesis, the poetry of K. Gerd is the forerunner of all subsequent artistic practices in the Udmurt language, including F. Vasiliev (a landmark figure in Udmurt literature of the middle of the last century), and the latest search for figurative selfexpression of ethnic and personal identity. None of the generation of the first Udmurt writers so passionately and definitely wanted to create integration and continuity between the past, present and future as Gerd. In this context, the poetry of modern Udmurt poets of the frontier period, characterized by new stylistics, deconstruction of figurative solutions and behavioral stereotypes, but united by a tendency to express the crisis of worldoutlook of their generation, is a throw into the future with a return of the experience of the past, an attempt to unravel the “question mark” not only of time, but also traditional ethno-cultural code.

  • Keywords: Udmurt poetry, tradition, innovation, poetics, context, K. Gerd, F. Vasiliev.


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