Information about the author:
Nina I. Ivanova
Nina I. Ivanova, DSc in Philology, leading researcher, The Arctic Linguistic Ecology Laboratory; Kulakovskogo, 42, 677013, Yakutsk, Russia; leading researcher, Institute of Humanitarian Studies and Problems of Small Peoples of the North SB RAS, Petrovskogo, 1, 677027 Yakutsk, Russia.
The article presents a range of areas of sociolinguistic study of urban space in a variety of aspects and research objects. A variety of approaches to the study of the languages of the city and the language of the city takes into account the modern realities of the languages situation, ethno-linguistic processes and therefore proceeds from the actual linguistic, social, historical, cultural and legal factors in the process of interaction between languages. For students, graduate students, young researchers.
Keywords: urban linguistics, language of the city, linguistic urban studies.