Information about the author:
Lyubov F. Alekseeva
Lyubov F. Alekseeva, DSc in Philology, Professor, Moscow State Regional University, Friedrich Engels St. 21 a, 105005 Moscow, Russia.
The article is about the core problem which is the central axis of lyrical confl ict and specifi c character of its fi gurative embodiment in the works of S.A. Esenin — from his early experiments to the poems completing his creative way. It is shown that his own life in some ways became for Esenin almost a goal of aesthetic knowledge and creative exposure, that in his lyrics and poems he masterly conveys the poetry of human feelings, sensations and experiences. The poet Esenin, depicting the epoch of Russian life during the wars and revolutions, focuses on the destruction of multiple bonds of continuity, which is thought as a confrontation between generations — just formed and the old, and moreover, the destruction of ways, as a social and spiritualmoral breakdown of Russia, and with it the universal existence.