About the author:
Yulia Е. Pavelieva, PhD in Philology, Leading Research Fellow, House of Russian abroad named after Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Nizhniaia Radishchevskaja, 2, 109240 Moscow, Russia.
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5231-2706
“Grani” is one of the most famous magazines of Russian abroad. This publication was intended as a large literary magazine. Literary criticism is an essential section of such editions. Writers and poets of the Russian abroad were the authors of the section of literary criticism in the magazine “Grani”. Leonid Rzhevsky, Boris Narcissov, Alexander Nejmiroc were the authors of very interesting articles on the of Bunin’s creativity. These authors were real “artists of the word”, they had a special creative sensitivity. Such quality allows the critic to discern the creative features of another writer or poet. It is not accidental that literary critics of “Grani” were able to see specific features in Bunin’s talent. They explored the issues that would be a matter of concern for the literary critics many decades later. The authors of the “Grani” magazine wrote literary and critical articles in the middle of the 20th century. They addressed the problems that are relevant up to our days.