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A.M. Gorky Institute
of World Literature
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

IWL RAS Publishing

A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature
of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Povarskaya 25A, bld. 1, 121069 Moscow, Russia



Types of publications

  • Classification – name: Literary studies
  • Format: Hardback
  • Dimensions: 70 х 100 1/16
  • Pages: 1040 p.
  • Publisher: A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IWL RAS Publ.)
  • Rights – description: Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 (СС BY-ND)
  • Rights – URL: Visit Website
  • Language of the publication: Russian
  • Type of document: Collection of articles
  • Funder: Russian Science Foundation
  • Funder – grant number: 17-18-01410–P
  • DOI:
  • ISBN: 978-5-9208-0675-8
  • ISBN (books series): ISBN 978-5-6043382-4-7 (issue 1)
  • Year of publication: 2021
  • Date of publication: December 2021
  • Place of publication: Moscow
  • PDF

  • Ex. editor: Sergey N. Morozov, Tatiana M. Dvinyatina
  • I.A. Bunin and his time: Context of Life — History of Work. Ex. eds. T.M. Dvinyatina and S.N. Morozov; Eds. A.V. Bakuntsev and E.R. Ponomarev. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2021. 1040 p.; ill. — (Academic Bunin; 3).
  • Editors: Anton V. Bakuntsev, Evgeny R. Ponomarev

About ex.editors:

Tatiana M. Dvinyatina, DSc in Philology, Senior Researcher, A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Povarskaya 25 а, 121069 Moscow, Russia.

Sergey N. Morozov, PhD in Philology, Senior Researcher, A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Povarskaya 25 a, 121069 Moscow, Russia.


E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


The collective work was prepared at the A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences under a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (Project No. 17-18-01410–P)

The publication was carried out at the expense of a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (Project No. 17-18-01410–P)


The collection is based on the materials of two anniversary international scientific conferences dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Bunin and held at IMLI RAS and IRLI RAS. The collection also holds publications of new archival materials, as well as translations of foreign articles about Ivan Bunin. Some illustrations from the collection have never been pubished before. The present collection is the next stage a large-scale preparation for starting the edition of the academic Complete collection of the writer’s works.



From the editors



O.V. Slivitskaya (Saint Petersburg). Ivan Bunin: the Psychological Function of Descriptions of External Appearance

E. Garetto (Milan). Ivan Bunin Polemic against Delfino Cinelli’s Book ‛Tolstoy’

K.V. Anisimov (Krasnoyarsk). Unexpected Duplicity: ‛Grammar of Love’ and ‛The Gentleman from San Francisco’. On the Problem of Narrative Variability in Bunin’s Prose

V.Yu. Darensky (Lugansk). ‛Poetry Is Not That…’ Ivan Bunin on the ‛Darkness’ of Poetry

E.M. Boldyreva (Chongqing). Ivan Bunin’s Organic Poetics of Memory (‛The Life of Arseniev’) and Ars Memorativa of M. Proust (‛In Search of Lost Time’)

A.A. Dolinin (Madison, Saint Petersburg ). Bunin’s ‛The Life of Arseniev’ and Nabokov’s ‛The Gift’: a Father–Son Duel

P. Deotto (Trieste). Italy in Bunin’s Perception

L.V. Lyapaeva (Cheboksary). Poetics of Ivan Bunin ‛Novel Stories’ of the 1910s

E.G. Belousova (Chelyabinsk). The ‛Light – Darkness’ Аntinomy in the Novels ‛The Life of Arseniev’ by Ivan Bunin and ‛The Defense’ by Vladimir Nabokov: to the Issue of the Typological Convergence of the Authors’ Styles

E.V. Kuznetsova (Moscow). Two ‛Loneliness’ Poems: on the Problem of Prose Features in the Poetry of Ivan Bunin

O.V. Nizova (Gomel). Hermeneutical Experience in the Novel ‛The Life of Arseniev’ by Ivan Bunin

M.A. Khatyamova (Tomsk). Aesthetic Functions of a Tale in Ivan Bunin`s Prose

M.V. Mikhailova (Moscow), A.V. Nazarova (Moscow). Ivan Bunin and E.N. Chirikov: Dialogue and Competition (Social and Metaphysical in the Artistic View of the World)



E. Garetto (Milan). The Image of Ivan Bunin in the Correspondences of Aleksandr Amfiteatrov with the Russian Émigré Writers in Paris (Mark Aldanov, Boris Zaitsev, Teffi, Ivan Shmelev)

M. Schruba (Milan). Ivan Bunin and the ‛Russian Annals’

A.V. Bakuntsev (Moscow). ‛Here is the Work of a True Master’: Emigrant Critics on Ivan Bunin’s Novel ‛The Life of Arseniev’ (1928–1952)

O.A. Rostova (Moscow). Ivan Bunin and the Union of Russian Writers and Journalists in Paris

L.K. Khitrovo (Saint Petersburg). ‛The Star of His Poetry Rose Slowly and Surely...’: Exhibition at the Literary Museum of the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) of the RAS, Dedicated to the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Ivan Bunin

S.A. Garziano (Lyon). The French Essay ‛La Vie et l’OEuvre d’Ivan Bunin’ (‛The Life and Work of Ivan Bunin’, 1969) by Georgy Adamovich

Appendix 1. Georgy Adamovich. Life and Works of Ivan Bunin

Appendix 2. Dedicatory inscriptions of Ivan and Vera Bunin in the Bibliothèque slave de Meudon

Yu.E. Pavelieva (Moscow). Literary Critics of ‛Grani’ on the Works of Ivan Bunin

I.V. Kochergina (Moscow). Literary Reviews of Ivan Bunin and Yuly Aikhenvald in the 1920s’ Periodics: Comparison of Approaches, Evaluations, Conclusions

M.M. Abolina (Saint Petersburg). Ivan Bunin and ‛Russian Land’ Publishing House

M.A. Frolov (Moscow). On the Pages of Vera Bunina’s Correspondence

A.M. Lyubomudrov (Saint Petersburg). ‛An Indecent and Shameful Story’. From the History of a Failed Transfer of Bunin`s Heritage to His Homeland (Based on the Archival Materials)

Appendix. From the correspondence about the acquisition of I.A. Bunin’s archive and memorabilia




I.V. Vaganova (Saint Petersburg). From the History of Cooperation between Ivan Bunin and the Book Publishing House of K.F. Nekrasov

A.Yu. Dunaeva (Moscow). Grand Duchess Elizaveta Fyodorovna in the Story by Ivan Bunin ‛The Clean Monday’: a Historian’s View

V.V. Shadursky (Veliky Novgorod). Mark Aldanov’s Concern for Ivan Bunin’s Reputation (Based on Archival Materials)

Appendix. M.A. Aldanov. Memories of Bunin

M.A. Khatyamova (Tomsk). Bunin and Berberova: The Plot of Returning to the Homeland (To the Problem of Dialogue between the Classics and Young Writers)

Yu.A. Azarov (Moscow). Intimate Circle of the Bunin Family: Ilya Fondaminsky

A.L. Gorobez (Wien). Ivan Bunin in the Anniversary Articles, Lectures and Egodocuments of Antonin Ladinsky

I.M. Racz (Budapest). ‛In Search of Lost Time’. On the Traces of Memories of I. Bunin and V. Nabokov

A.V. Lushenkova Foscolo (Lyon). Ivan Bunin and David Herbert Lawrence Reading One Another: A Study of the Intertextual Relation in “Lady Chatterley’s Lover”



S.N. Morozov (Moscow). History of the Text of I.A. Bunin’s Story ‛Dreams’

G.N. Vorontsova (Moscow). ’Dry Valley’, a Short Novel by Ivan Bunin: the History of the Text Formation

S.N. Morozov(Moscow). Ivan Bunin’s Story ‛Son’: to the History of the Text

E.R. Ponomarev (Moscow, Saint Petersburg). ‛The Life of Arseniev’: the Problems of Academic Edition

S.R. Fedyakin (Moscow). The First and Last Pages of the Novel ‛The Life of Arseniev’: Journal Editorial and Final Editorial

A.Yu. Pavlova (Moscow). Ivan Bunin’s “At the Summer Home” Story: from the “To the World’s End” Collection to the Complete Work

E.R. Ponomarev (Moscow, Saint Petersburg). The Notebooks of Ivan Bunin. Text Characteristics and Problems of Publication

N.V. Prashcheruk (Ekaterinburg). Ivan Bunin’s Marks on K. Zaitsev’s ‛Ivan Bunin. Life and Works’ Monograph: an Essay of Interpretation)

V.L. Tsareva-Brauner (Cambridge). On the Letters of Nikolay K. and Natalia I. Kulman to Ivan and Vera Bunin from the Collection of the Russian Archive in Leeds, UK. Some Details of Nikolay K. Kulman’s Biography



T.V. Victoroff (Strasbourg, Paris). ‛Spiritualization of Matter’: Ivan Bunin in French Literary Criticism and in Translations by Boris Schloezer

Appendices 1 and 2. Ivan Bunin and his first French Correspondents

1. Letters to Ivan Bunin from B.F. Schloezer, Benjamin Cremier, Paul Desjardins, André Gide and Jacques Riviere

2. Correspondence around the publication of “Mitya’s love” (“Le Sacrement de l’amour”) and “Cicadas” (“La Nuit”)

Appendix 3. Boris de Schloezer on Ivan Bunin on the pages of “La Nouvelle Revue Française”

T.N. Zhuzhgina-Allahverdyan (Bakhmut). Ivan Bunin as an Interpreter of Adam Mickiewicz’s Crimean Sonnets

S.B. Koroleva (Nizhny Novgorod). The Image of Cain in Ivan Bunin’s Works of the 1900s: A Dialogue with Byron and Contemporaries

T.V. Victoroff (Strasbourg, Paris). Trans-mitting/ferring Bounine. “The Mad Artist” Translated by Maurice Parijanine

Appendices: Correspondence around the first translations of Ivan Bunin and publications in the French press of 1920–1930

1. Letters of Maurice Parisian to Ivan Bunin, Marcel Martin and Romain Rolland

2. Ivan Bunin and Romain Rolland: from correspondence and diary entries

M.P. Vinha (Jerusalem). Translation of Bunin’s ‘Cursed Days’ from Russian to Portuguese: An Essay

F. Selitsky (Wroclaw). Ivan Bunin in Interwar Poland (to the 100th anniversary of his birth). Preface and translation from Polish by O. Moranska



E.R. Ponomarev (Moscow, Saint Petersburg). ‘The Temple of the Sun’, a Book of Travel Sketches by Ivan Bunin: The Problem of the Title and the Main Text

T.M. Dvinyatina (Moscow, Saint Petersburg). The Poems in Ivan Bunin’s Book “The Temple of the Sun” (1917): Context and Summary of Bunin’s Middle-Eastern Lyrical Poetry

Yu.G. Morozova (Moscow). Bethlehem and Its Symbolism in the Works of Ivan Bunin

K.V. Anisimov (Krasnoyarsk). A Note to the Old Theme: Tolstoy in the Consciousness of Bunin, the Author of ‛The Temple of the Sun’

M.S. Shavlinsky (Saint Petersburg). ‛Hram Solntsa’ (‛The Temple of the Sun’) by Ivan Bunin — an Unfinished Project for the Exploration of the East

R.M. Safiulina (Moscow). Legends from the Works of the French Orientalist A.P. Caussin de Perceval in the Works of Ivan Bunin

M.S. Shavlinsky (Saint Petersburg). Bibliography of Reviews and Scientific Papers about the Book by Ivan Bunin ‘The Temple of the Sun / The Shadow of the Bird’

Name Index


  • Keywords: Ivan Bunin, poetics, biography, textology.


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