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A.M. Gorky Institute
of World Literature
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

IWL RAS Publishing

A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature
of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Povarskaya 25a, 121069 Moscow, Russia



Types of publications

  • Classification – name: Literary studies
  • Format: Hardback
  • Dimensions: 60 х 90/16
  • Pages: 852 р.
  • Publisher: A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IWL RAS Publ.)
  • Rights – description: Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 (СС BY-ND)
  • Rights – URL: Visit Website
  • Language of the publication: Russian
  • Type of document: Collection of articles
  • DOI:
  • EDN:

  • ISBN: 978-5-9208-9782-3
  • Year of publication: 2024
  • Place of publication: Moscow
  • PDF

  • Vyacheslav Ivanov. Research and Materials, issue 4. Editors and compilers Е. Takho-Godi, A. Shishkin. Мoscow, IWL RAS Publ., Vodoley Publ., 2024. 852 р. (In Russian)


This is the fourth volume of the series Vyacheslav Ivanov. Research and Materials. Russian and foreign scholars explore Vyacheslav Ivanov’s poetics, his originality, the aesthetic and historiosophical traditions that inform it (St. Augustine, Fyodor Dostoevsky), the reception of Ivanov's works by Valery Bryusov, Ivanov's reception of the dramas of Dmitry Merezhkovsky, the poet's relationship to his contemporaries (Zoya Bukharova, Yuly Aikhenwald, Jean Chuzeville, Giovanni Papini, students of Baku University), the influence — direct or typological — of Ivanov's ideas on twentieth-century scholars (M.M. Bakhtin, Rene Girard, Ludmila Gogotishvili). Previously unpublished works are introduced: Lidia Zinovieva-Annibal’s drama “The Great Bell”, letters to Ivanov by Yury Verkhovsky and Olga Shor, a synopsis of the 1920 Pushkin Seminar that Ivanov led. On the basis of archival materials, Ivanov’s role in the publication of Italian translations of Vladimir Solovyov’s articles in the 1930s is traced, and Ivanov’s pedagogical methods are reconstructed.


Vyacheslav Ivanov, poetics, aesthetic and historiosophical traditions, biography, correspondence, archival materials.



From the Compilers (Elena А. Takho-Godi, Andrey B. Shishkin).......9


I. Poetica

Maria Cymborska-Leboda
The Message of Medieval Philosophy and Aesthetics in the Writings of Vyacheslav Ivanov: “Above the Palimpsest of Saint Augustine’s Words”

Nina M. Segal-Rudnik
“Petrovskoye-na-Oke” by Vyacheslav Ivanov: Space and Time

Elena A. Andrushchenko
“…The Bottom Line, Drawn Publicly and Accessibly…”: on Vyacheslav Ivanov’s Article “Beside life” (1916)

Yuliya Yu. Anokhina
Historiosophical Aspects of Vyacheslav Ivanov’s Interpretation of “The Legends of the Grand Inquisitor”

Leonid G. Kaianidi
“Siloam of Blindness”: Valery Bryusov’s Insights and Delusions Regarding the Tragedy by Vyacheslav Ivanov “Prometheus”

Olga L. Fetisenko
“Geschenks-Widmung” by Vyacheslav Ivanov: Subtext and Context

Liubov V. Mashtakova
The luminary of the Muses During the Storm: the Context of Vyacheslav I. Ivanov the Last Epistle to Yuri N. Verkhovsky


II. Biografica

Alexander L. Sobolev
Vyacheslav Ivanov and Zoya Bukharova

Elena А. Takho-Godi
Yuly I. Aykhenwald and Vyacheslav Ivanov: Setting the Theme. Article One
Appendix I. Letters of Yu.I. Aykhenwald to Vyacheslav Ivanov
Appendix II. Yu.I. Aykhenwald. L.D. Zinovyeva-Annibal. A Tragic Menagerie. Stories

Vasily Rudich
Socrates in Baku: Prolegomena to the Pedagogic of Vyacheslav Ivanov

Stefano Garzonio, Bianca Sulpasso
Correspondence Between Vyacheslav Ivanov and Giovanni Papini
Appendix I. Letters of Vyacheslav Ivanov to Giovanni Papini
Appendix II. Letters of Giovanni Papini to Vyacheslav Ivanov
Appendix III. The letter of Giovanni Papini to Dimitry V. Ivanov

Natalia Gamalova
Meeting between Vyacheslav Ivanov and Jean Chuzeville in Rome
Appendix. Chuzeville J. The first Dionysian of Russian poetry


III. Maeutica


Vasily Rudich
The Sacrality of Sacrifice: Vyacheslav Ivanov and René Girard

Svetlana V. Fedotova
“Mysteries of the Linguistic Sphinx”: Vyacheslav Ivanov and Mikhail Bakhtin in Ludmila A. Gogotishvili’s interpretation
Appendix. Gogotishvili Ludmila A. Simbolism

Elena K. Sozina
About the Symbols of Vyacheslav Ivanov: Ludmila A. Gogotishvili’s Method

Yulia B. Demidenko
“Terror Antiquus” by Leon Bakst: Towards the Reconstruction of the Idea
Appendix. The Letter of Alexandre N. Benois to Vyacheslav Ivanov




L.D. Zinovyeva-Annibal. Drama “The Great Bell”Preface by Andrey B. Shishkin, text preparation by Natalia A. Yakovleva and Andrey B. Shishkin

Letters and Epistles of Yuri Verkhovsky to Vyacheslav Ivanov. Preface, text preparation and notes by Alexander L. Sobolev
Appendix. List of mutual poetic dedications left out of publication

Vyacheslav Ivanov, Nikolai Berdyaev and Others at the Meetings of the Pushkin Seminary in 1919: Notes by I.A. Kashkin. Preface and notes by Elena V. Glukhova, text preparation by Elena V. Glukhova and Olga L. Fetisenko

From Olga Shor’s Letters to Vyacheslav Ivanov. Preface, text preparation and notes by Olga L. Fetisenko

Kristina S. Landa
Vyacheslav Ivanov in Correspondence with Italian Catholic Writers of the 1930s–1940s: Revisiting the History of Vladimir Solovyov’s Works’ Translations and their Publication in Italy


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