The book introduces new research by Russian Germanists in the field of German-language fiction of the 21st century. The main trends and features of its development are traced both at the problem-thematic and artistic level, using the example of the works of writers belonging to different generations, and living in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The analysis is carried out from the point of view of relevance, connection with tradition, aesthetic and social significance, and importance of the considered works. The material presented in the book gives an idea of the researchers’ main scholarly and methodological approaches to the study of the modern literary process and can be useful for historians and literary theorists, linguists, translators and specialists in cultural studies.
German-language fiction of the 21st century, cultural memory, poetics, tradition, genre.
Dmitri A. Chugunov. Three Novels About the GDR (U. Telkamp, E. Ruge, L. Seiler)
Alla A. Strelnikova. The Space of Memory in the Novels of Eugen Ruge
Julia V. Besklubova. Escape to the Threshold of Moral Renewal: Peter Handke’s Don Juan
Olga A. Kostrova. Representation of Protagonist’s Identity in H. Müller’s Novel “The Hunger Angel”
Tamara V. Kudryavtseva. Seeking Cultural Identity: Feridun Zaymoglu
Nadiezhda Z. Gaevskaya, Tamara V. Kudryavtseva. Problems of Post-Migration in Modern German Literature
Elizaveta A. Ivanova. Books, Reading and Readers in the Novels by C. Funke and W. Moers
Yuliya A. Blinova. Precedent Names as a Way of Actualisation of the Key Aspects of 20th-Century German Culture in the Novel by Bernhard Schlink “Olga”
Marina S. Potyomina. Performative Narrative of Reinhard Jirgl’s Trilogy „Genealogy of Killing“
Olga А. Dronova. The Phenomenon of Postmemory and the Poetics of Autobiographical Prose of M. Maron, U. Timm and K. Petrowskaja
Ekaterina V. Bespalova. The Brandenburg Landscape in the Discourse of Historiographical Prose by Gunther de Bruyne
Galina V. Kuchumova. The Phenomenon of Measuring Space and Time in the Novels by Daniel Kehlmann “Measuring The World” and Christoph Ransmayr, “Cox, or The Flight of Time”
Tatiana N. Andreiushkina. Memories of Russia in the Novel „Tumult“ by H. M. Enzensberger
Galina G. Ishimbaeva. “Das Jesus-Video” by A. Eschbach in the Context of Fiction about Christ
German-Language Prose of the 21st Century: Studies by Russian Scholars (Bibliography)