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A.M. Gorky Institute
of World Literature
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

IWL RAS Publishing

A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature
of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Povarskaya 25a, 121069 Moscow, Russia



Types of publications

  • Classification – name: Literary studies
  • Format: Hardback
  • Dimensions: 60 х 90 1/16
  • Pages: 576 p.
  • Publisher: A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IWL RAS Publ.)
  • Rights – description: Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 (СС BY-ND)
  • Rights – URL: Visit Website
  • Language of the publication: Russian
  • Type of document: Collection of articles
  • DOI:
  • EDN:

  • ISBN: 978-5-9208-0728-1
  • Year of publication: 2024
  • Place of publication: Moscow
  • PDF

  • Ex. editor: Lidya A. Spiridonova, Yulia U. Kaskina
  • Lydia A. Spiridonova, ex. editor M. Gorky — Publisher, ex. ed. L.A. Spiridonova, Y.U. Kaskina. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., A.M. Gorky Literary Institute Publ., 2024. 576 p. (Series “M. Gorky. Materials and Research,” issue 16) (In Russ.)

Information about editors-in-chief:

Lidia A. Spiridonova (1934–2022), DSc in Philology, Head of the Department for the Study and Publication of M. Gorky’s Creativity, А.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Povarskaya 25 a, 121069 Moscow, Russia.


Yuliya U. Kaskina, PhD in Philology, Senior Researcher, А.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Povarskaya 25 a, 121069 Moscow, Russia.


E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


In the collective work M. Gorky is presented as a publisher, editor, author of numerous publishing projects, a talented organizer and a thoughtful literary critic. Publishing activity, being versatile in its essence, corresponded to the same nature of the writer: he was definetely in love with literature, able to gather worthy like-minded people, organize active independent writers, find and support young authors. The book covers all periods of Gorky’s publishing life, starting with the “Znanie” association and ending with the projects “History of the Civil War” and “History of the Village.” Each of the participants in the collection introduces new archival materials into scientific circulation, actively uses correspondence, comprehends and voices the reasons for the emergence and closure of publishing houses and projects. The new methodology makes this collective study relevant and innovative. The book contains meaningful and necessary “Appendices”. The work is intended for philologists, publishers, editors, historians, culturologists, students, graduate students, as well as for a wide range of readers.erts, and to everyone who is interested in the traditional cultural heritage of the Mongolian-speaking peoples.

Keywords: M. Gorky, publisher, editor, archival materials.




Lydia A. Spiridonova.
From the Editor


Tatiana R. Gavrish.
М. Gorky as a Reformer of the Publishing House “Znanie” (1898–1904)

Yuliya U. Kaskina.
M. Gorky and the Publishing House “Znanie” (1905–1913)

Natalya N. Primochkina.
Gorky’s Project of the Russian Abroad Publishing House “I. Ladyschnikow Verlag”

Evgeny N. Nikitin.
The Publishing House “Parus” Created by Gorky

Olga V. Bystrova.
M. Gorky’s Publishing Project “Vsemirnaia Literatura”

Evgeny N. Nikitin.
M. Gorky as the Editor-in-Chief of “Z.I. Grzhebin Publishing House”

Olga V. Shugan.
M. Gorky and the “Academia” Publishing House

Elena V. Kudrina.
M. Gorky and the Рublishing House “Detgiz”



Yulia M. Egorova.
M. Gorky’s Publishing Project: the Magazine “Our Achievements”

Anastasia G. Plotnikova.
M. Gorky and “The Poet’s Library” Series

Lydia A. Spiridonova.
“The History of the Civil War in the USSR”: M. Gorky’s Project

Lyubov V. Sumatokhina.
M. Gorky’s Publishing Project “The History of the Village”


In Memory of L.A. Spiridonova

In Memory of M.A. Semashkina


Name Index



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